Thursday, April 28, 2011

Unkindness Scars

   Molly had a fiery temper when she was a young girl. It often caused her to say of do unkind things. Finally, her father told her that for each thoughtless, mean thing she did, he would drive a nail into their gatepost. for each kindness, a nail would be pulled out.
   As the nails increased, getting them out became a challenge. Finally, the wished-for-day arrived - only one more nail! As her father pulled it out, Molly danced around proudly, exclaiming, "See, Daddy, the nails are all gone!"
   "Yes," agreed her father thoughtfully, "the nails are gone - but the scars remain."

- Lovasik

Source: from the Book 1000 Stories you can use (Volume Two) by Frank Mihalic, SVD *821


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